BIC Services

BIC – Business Innovation Center offers customized paths and solutions to companies according to individual needs:


Supporting  the technical and economic feasibility analysis; definition of valorization paths of a business idea; focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the team or of the idea.

Support dedicated to start-ups in the typical areas of business management (business organization, marketing strategies, administration, management control, marketing, internationalization, etc.).

Support to facilitate the financial management and to facilitate access to opportunities for ordinary finance, facilitated, risk (seed capital, venture capital, business angels).

Coaching / Mentoring
Training and adoption paths by companies for the transfer of skills and experience to start-up.

Technological Support
Support for the protection of intellectual property, for prototyping, engineering, certification of new products / services.

Innovation Design
Audit and coaching for creative reinterpretation of the product / service to enhance its value to users / customers.

Creative Workshop
Experiences from collaborative expertise from different fields: designers, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, managers, to explore the potential of innovative and functional ideas.

Support for participation in research and development projects (building partnerships, support for submitting projects under regional, national and international calls). -

Support in the knowledge and entry into foreign markets (participation in missions, events, matching, etc.).

Networking and Promotion
Support for the creation of partnerships, networks and partnerships between start-ups, companies, organizations and public or private institutions; visibility through Campania Innovation and Campania In.Hub website; placement in other channels and broadcasting initiatives.

Accompaniment for participation in tenders and European funding
Entertainment services, information and guidance for access to EU programs


Business Innovation Center operates by  an enterprise approach “open door”, which feeds an entrepreneurial culture based on collaboration and “social trust”. The simultaneous presence of innovative subjects, highly specialized and organized in a logical chain, is a constant source of relations and exchange of information, ideas, skills, contacts and helps create a particularly challenging environment, creative, open and receptive. The continuous monitoring and updating of current calls intensifies opportunities for access to discounts, prizes and awards for the company. BIC hosts numerous events, thematic training sessions and analysis on topics of interest to startups and companies (new technologies, finance, alerts and calls, etc.). Each year, the facility is also a destination for visits by representatives of institutions, local and national, as well as foreign delegations, both diplomatic that business.