The training of human capital, together with young students, researchers and professors in Italy and in China, has a great importance to build the social and cultural basis of the cooperation between the two countries. For this purpose both countries have promoted the dissemination of the teaching of Chinese language in Italy and of Italian language in China.

For this reason, Città della Scienza has been promoting some activities and programs for the promotion of human capital, in collaboration with the Confucius Institutes network in Italy and other accredited institutions in order to create a more solid social and cultural context and inclined to cooperation.

Among the objectives, there is the support to the partnership between Italian and Chinese schools and the promotion of student mobility and academic exchanges.

Moreover, Città della Scienza promotes, together with higher education institutions, courses on the internationalization in China in order to train new professional profiles, in particular:

  • Master Degree I level in Global Management for China, in collaboration with the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, supplies young graduates with the skills requested to play a role as a cultural and professional mediator between Italian and Chinese enterprises.
  • Training programs for the dissemination of business culture, with a view to the promotion of the international relations and opening foreign markets, in collaboration with the University of Naples L’Orientale, Unicredit and the Union of Industrialists of the Province of Naples.
  • Master Degree II level for the training of new professionals able to assist companies in the agreements and in trade with foreign interlocutors, in collaboration with the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa.