The purpose of this first announcement is to collect preliminarily – waiting for the official launch of the Call – the subscriptions from Italian people to participate in the event and the proposals of the Italian projects for the participation in B2B meetings, in order to allow participants to candidate on the Chinese market or verify the opportunities of exchange recommended by the enterprises, research centers and Chinese authorities. These meetings will also be organized with the help of a specific technology platform.
OCTOBER 25-27, 2016
The Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week is the main Italian platform of cooperation with China in science and technology, aimed at creating technological, production and business partnerships in innovative research-enterprise contexts.
The program, which includes – through the back-to-back formula, the Italy-China Innovation Forum (CIIF – VII edition) and the Sino-Italian Exchange Event (SIEE – X edition), will be held in Italy in October from 25 to 27 with the main event in Naples and two Sub-Forum to be held in Bergamo and Bologna. The event will be attended by the Italian Minister of Research Stefania Giannini and the Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang.
The initiative is promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and is organized by Città della Scienza in collaboration with the National Research Council, Confindustria and the major Italian Universities and Research Centers.
On the Chinese side, the program is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and organized by the Beijing Municipal S&T Commission (BMSTC), emanation of MOST, as well as by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology (BAST), member of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST).
The program of the event
The main focus of the program is the matchmaking activity between Italian and Chinese professionals for the building of scientific, commercial and productive partnerships in science and technology with a strong innovative characterization.
The program of the Week includes:
Institutional ceremony
• Seminars and round tables on technology transfer and important issues in the bilateral relations
• B2B meetings among Italian and Chinese universities, companies and institutions.
Main events of the Week 2016 will include:
– the Academic Exchanges with the aim to promote cooperation among universities, schools and research centers
– A Makers Space, where the ideas developed by Italians and Chinese makers can be shared for innovative projects combining “cultural traditions and digital innovation”
– Roadshow of Innovative Start-Up & Young Talents to give the opportunity to meet Italian and Chinese investors and incubators.
Priority Areas
The priority areas of the event have been defined through the sectors indicated in the lines of the National Research Program-NRP and through those identified in the China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, and with reference to the priorities identified in the Joint Statement signed in November 2015.
The areas identified for 2016 are:
• Aerospace
• Agrifood
• Green Chemistry
• Health & Life Sciences
• Clean Tech
• Energy
• Sustainable Mobility
• Blue Growth
• New Generation ICT
• Smart Industry
• Design & Creative Industries
• Smart Cities & Communities
• Tourism & Cultural Heritage
• Education & Training
• Socio-Economic Issues
Who can participate
Eligible applicants include companies and all public and private organizations (research centers, universities, innovative districts, research-enterprises cluster, science and technology parks, etc.) with an establishment in Italy, active in the innovation of product and process, or in science and technology research and interested in dealing with potential customers or partners of the People’s Republic of China.
Application form
The participation in the event, to the B2B meetings and working sessions is free but subject to the completion of the preliminary registration form and to be confirmed successively by Città della Scienza.