Diet: Culture and Health
The common feature of every experience will be represented by the (re) discovery of differences: the way is no milk, wheat or oil … but grains, oils and so on. Products are different. Depending from their farming methods, environmental conditions, the use of chemicals, whether or not the intensiveness of production and the farms … We’ll try together to discover and recognize the true quality: not the one trumpeted in the advertisements, but one that comes from processes cultivation, production and processing respectful of nature, taste and health of all.

The small organic grower
( 8-13 years, 75′)
kids will learn about fundamentaI principles standing plants’ ending with the sowing stage.
Discovering milk and its derivatives
(6-13 years, 75′)
Focusing on different types of milk! Avtivities end with the production of mozzarella or caciocavallo.
Grandmother’ jams
( 6-13 years, 75′) – Seasonal activity
While telling a tale kids walk in the garden recovering natural elements to realize a short book on the story of a fruit getting into jam. Then in labs realization of the jam.
Smooth as oil!
(6-13 years, 75′) -Seasonal activity
From plants to product, discovering this fundamental element for human feeding. A journey into the complex process to realize oil made up of ancient ways and knoweldge.
Delicious as bread
(6-13 years, 75′)
from grains to flours… to bread. Learning about chemical – physical – microbiological transformations and kneading bread
Where’s this food from? Corn and polenta
(6-13 years, 75′)
Learning about the extraordinary history of corn and how to cook polenta!
Healing plants wild and edible
( 6-13 years, 75′)
During springtime visitors will walk in the garden and learning about plants to eat and to use for health.
From fields to tables
(6-13 years, 75′)
From tomato to canned, from biological agriculture to certified products: what’s quality marks? and typical products? A journey from field to table.
Bee’s magic world
( 5-13 years, 75′)
From flower to honey and its derivatives.
Wet Waste
( 8-15 years, 75′)
Getting fertilizer for our plants.
Mushrooms world
( 6-13 years, 75′)
Be carefull about mushroom! You must know it!
Teaching Paths for High School
the following paths is articulated in two stages: theorical and practical. The practical one include two options; A) Lab: “making mozzarella”
B) Team game with final prize.
Mediterranean history through its food
( 14-18 years, 75′)
Mediterranean cuisine is the result of the melting of different cultures…we will discover it together.
Agriculture and nature: not only bio
(14-18 years, 75′)
Discovering biological agriculture!
Diet and health: nutritive values
( 14-18 years, 75′)
Learning what is right and what is wrong in our feeding in order to prevent diseases. Improve knoweldge about nutritive principles, the World Food System.
Mediterranean Diet history
(14-18 years, durata 75′)
In late 2010 the United Nations, through UNESCO proclaimed Mediterranean Diet World Heritage. A fact of great importance and a target award for a research project, proposed and even initiative that has gone on for so many years. Initiative started from Naples and from Cilento. Who are the protagonists? What are the content and the characters of the Mediterranean Diet? Because it is a choice even in developing key value? Let’s find out together.