Educational Centre and Workshop for Children Fabber realized thanks to the contribution of FLC CGIL

After the fire that destroyed our Science Centre, we received great solidarity; the Federation of Workers for Knowledge CGIL, announced during the preparation of the national congress, which was held just at Città della Scienza in April 2013, the launch of a subscription among its members for reconstruction of the Science Centre and its activities.
Thanks to their contribution gathered by FLC CGIL, the Educational Centre and Workshop for Children Fabber laboratory will be inaugurated Tuesday, May 12th , at 3.30 pm which aims to promote the use of technology for children (and others), as an opportunity to develop new cognitive skills: robots, 3D printers, technologies for teaching to explore science, art and future technology.

The program of the meeting:
Vittorio Silvestrini, President Città della Scienza
Domenico Pantaleo, FLC – CGIL General Secretary

Luigi Amodio, General Director Città della Scienza

Upgrading of traditional psycho-pedagogical methodologies with new technologies: the case of Educational Robotics
Orazio Miglino, Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II
Computational thinking: learning communication
Giorgio Ventre, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II
Examples of three-dimensional printing
Luigi Castaldo and Andrea Russo, 3D Factory


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