Giving voice to citizens on waste – VOICES Project

GIVING VOICE TO CITIZENS ON WASTE. This is the aim of the project VOICES, an international program coordinated by ECSITE, the European network of science museums, which involved 27 countries, more than 1,000 citizens in a public unique consultation. Approximately 100 focus groups where European citizens have taken the opportunity to present ideas and proposals aimed at implementing the goal of Zero Waste.

On Friday, November 15 at Città della Scienza, along with the presentation of the project’s results, there will be a day of meetings, shows, debates, workshops and laboratories to inform and educate the public on the waste cycle and to engage in a participatory way all the associations, professions and individual citizens concerned. The exhibition area of VOICES is part of the exhibition Futuro Remoto.

The goal is to offer moments of in-depth analysis and practical exchange of experiences and meetings with professionals on the topic of waste and possible solutions.


From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Science Centre’s Tensile Structure

Opening: Presentation of the results of VOICES project by Fondazione Idis- Città della Scienza

Workshop DIY musical instruments with waste
With Maurizio Capone, leader of the rock group Capone Bungt Bangt. His group represents “the art of singing waste”, reusing common objects of the urban and industrial use, such as cans, lids, wood waste, bags and anything else to transform them into music instruments. The workshop aims to convey the concept of creative recycling, to build and sing instruments from materials destined for the landfill.

+ design ZERO Waste a project for up-cycling refuse using design tools
The workshop + design Zero waste arises from the need to work with design tools in the context of issues related to the “waste management” in the Campania region by proposing new strategies up-cycling. In particular, the workshop seeks to invest the ability of designers to interpret the re-use of waste with the creative tools. In this way, the workshop aims to encourage the emergence of new business initiatives that have as protagonists of the process young designers and their ability to self organization.

Local partner: Second University of Naples, Department of Industrial Design.

Research & new materials
Presentation of Cyon: economical and eco-friendly. The new material used in furniture design with excellent mechanical characteristics and easy to work into complex shapes.

Promoted by Cyon

Workshop by the waste to product design
The waste collection is not only a civic engagement of every citizen, but can be an interesting opportunity to promote new occasion of employment. A workshop will be proposed with the company Formaperta that is famous for the exclusive use of secondary raw materials in their production. With these materials they made beautiful pieces of furniture and fittings, light weight, durable and immediately recyclable. The whole process, from collection to the finished product, is characterized for minimizing the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes.

Main partner: FormaAperta

Laboratories of creative reuse
A workshop dedicated to the creative re-use, addressed especially to children. The children will be the protagonists by understanding that wastecan be reused, recycled and reprocessed, resulting in a new cycle.

Main partner: Friarielli Rebels

The Ecological House
A house with furniture and accessories exclusively made with resulting material and waste. The area will also feature a self-organized space with games made ​​with recycled materials. Promoted by WWF and Associazione Contro/Mano, a cultural association founded by bringing together creative artists and craftsmen who work in the context of environmental education and creative recovery with the aim of proposing activities, products and eco-sustainable services.

A socially advantageous performance
In summer 2011 Naples lives another “waste emergency”: hundreds of people took to the streets to show the “clean face” of this city. Today we are an association that takes care of the environment, sustainability and social innovation: the mission is always the same, to contribute to the improvement of our city. During the event will also be presented the research project “Bike Sharing Naples” co-financed by the Ministry of Education, in order to contribute to solve the problem of the last km, to monitor its environmental impact and traffic flows, to improve the use of the city for locals and tourists. Promoted by Cleanap

Reduce and save
Artifacts will be shown in thermosetting resins made ​​with different types of waste. In addition, there will be exposed artifacts made ​​from waste materials, agricultural by-products and so on.

Re_purposed pavilion
With the involvement of the Urban Fab Lab installed in its business incubator, Città della Scienza aims to open a public space to the public witha participatory project that will use waste materials to rethink how building components for a city hall. The Fab Lab workshop will be a space of relations and outreach aimed at raising awareness on the issues of reuse and recycling. Students from the Faculty of Architecture of Naples and the Industrial Design course of the SUN will be involved in the workshop.

Main partner: Urban Fab Lab

From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Conference Centre of Città della Scienza


Presentation of the results of VOICES project and the book Il paese dei veleni
Starting from the presentation of the results of VOICES project, it will be opened a discussion with, among other things, the presentation of the book Il paese dei veleni. Among the participants, editors Andreina Baccaro, Antonio Musella and Amalia De Simone. With the participation of Fr Maurizio Patricello.
The Italian “economic miracle” was actually a disaster. Behind the story of growth and progress it was hidden an industrial system which, in the name of profit and creation of jobs, has polluted an entire country. Of the 57 sites of national interest to be restored, 44 are industrial areas. Most of the national area, along with the people who live there, was sold off to the profit, with the complicity of politics.


Showing of the film Trashed – Towards Zero Waste with Jeremy Irons.
The documentary film, became part of the official selection of the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, drag the viewer on a journey to discover what the global waste and pollution is causing really in the world. The global reach of the theme of “waste” is such, that Campania will not come out even lighter, despite the statistics see the region for many years as the sole holder of a sad and wretched leadership. Interesting to discover the different cultural approaches related to the theme, the technical evolutions and bureaucratic pessimism present in each place. Jeremy Irons goes through the five continents, showing how the pollution of air, land and oceans is putting more and more in danger not only health, but the very existence of mankind. A film which is a strong incitement to struggle and change, in the name of a better world. The film is part of the Campaign to Zero Waste Law in 2020, won many Awards in several Film Festival.


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