Tusday November 22nd 2016
10 am
Unione Industriali of Naples, Martiri Square, 58, Naples
10 am Registration & Welcome Coffee
10.30 Institutional Opening
Ambrogio Prezioso Unione Industriali of Naples President
S.E. Ettore Francesco Sequi Ambassador of Italy in PRC
(Video conference with Beijing)
Elena Goitini Regional Manager Sud UniCredit
Maurizio Brentegani First Vice-President UniCredit International Center Italy
Marco Bettin COO – Fondazione Italia Cina
Enrico Toti Avvocato Studio Legale NCTM
Vincenzo Lipardi CEO Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza
Roberto Bonacasa CEO OSM 1816 srl
13.00 Closing
Antimo Caputo Vice-Presidente Internationalization Unione Industriali of Naples

UniCredit, as part of the activities to support Italian companies interested in foreign markets, promotes plans to raise awareness of the real opportunities and experiences designed to provide know-how on the different market characteristics.
The initiative aims to describe the political and economic environment and the elements of attractiveness linked to these countries, with moments of depth thanks to the contribution of experts, like the characteristics of the Chinese economic system and how UniCredit supports the business to a strategic market are discussed, especially designed for the Italian products.
More over there will develop issues related to the distribution system, the international contracts and recent regulations regarding foreign-invested companies in PRC as well as recruiting and technical and cultural training of human resources for the Chinese market.
To join, send email to RA43216-Italia@unicredit.eu
indicating the name and company.