#MezzogiornoScienza is the new born!


Among the many scientific dissemination activities that we carry out in Città della Scienza #MezzogiornoScienza is the new born! This is a new format that allows us to dialogue with some of the most important companies in our country to understand the post Covid scenario.
The spread of covid-19 has had a profound impact on the social and economic life of the world population, causing a radical change in everyone’s habits. In the presence of an increasingly ‘hybrid’ world, the subject of a real digital revolution, we will try to know the stories of those who have lived and are experiencing this radical change personally. What have we learned from these difficult months? Are we ready to commit ourselves to guaranteeing a healthier and more sustainable environment for all of us? What awaits us
The purpose of scientific dissemination is always to reach and attract a wide audience, with particular attention to young people, and to make it clear that the most important thing for a human being is knowledge and its sharing.
A cycle of 5 meetings, from 4 June to 2 July 2021, broadcast every Friday at noon on our social channels (Facebook, youtube and Instagram) in which Città della Scienza meets 5 leaders in their sector to share real testimonies and reflections on best viable roads.

The format will resume in September with many new features.

Next dates:
June 25: Erickson Editions
2 July: Avio Aero

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