Physics Passion – Sunday, May 26

Physics will be the theme of Sunday, May 26: exhibitions, workshops, performances, lectures and events will take place in the exhibition areas and open spaces of Città della Scienza. A day of fun and creativity among the fascinating and curious phenomena of physics.

Visitors who want to take home their own experiment can opt for our “scientific take-away” option. If you love the classics, you can visit the interactive exhibition “Einstein’s Games”. For those who prefer to learn more about the God’s particle, a seminar will tell the last twenty years of research. Who think that the Sun is our imperishable star will have the opportunity to observe its spots with the telescope. And whoever loves the outdoor theater can attend a new show on the story of the discovery that earned the Nobel Prize to Fermi.

College students and young researchers of Physics will give life the Sunday and, together with the audience, will be the protagonists of the day.

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