SESAME – a supermicroscope in the Middle East, May 7th

SESAME scientific adventure (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East), keeps going on with the creation of the first “supermicroscope” a synchrotron light built in the Middle East. Scientists from Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, Turkey and Italy, represented by INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Elettra – Trieste Synchrotron contributed to the project.

SESAME – whose construction began in 2003 in Allan, just north of the Jordanian capital – is one of the most ambitious research infrastructure in the Middle East and its applications ranging from nanotechnology, biology and cultural heritage.

In addition to scientific objectives, the project aims to promote peace in the Middle East region through scientific cooperation.

Talking next May 7th at Città della Scienza.

10.30 am – Greetings
Giovanni La Rana, INFN Director- Naples
Luigi Amodio, General Director Città della Scienza

11 am – Introduction
Pierluigi Paolucci, INFN – Naples

11.30 am – SESAME: Science as dialogue
Giorgio Paolucci, INFN – SESAME Scientific Director

Further info:


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