“SME Assembly – Business Tour” at Città della Scienza – October 1


On Wednesday, October 1, from 2.30 to 4.45 p.m. in the theater Galilei 104 of Città della Scienza, City of Science will host a delegation from the SME Assembly – Business Tour, a meeting aimed at identifying business models of excellence in Italy, which takes place on the occasion of the first day of the annual SME, which will be held in Naples on October 1-3, 2014.

The delegation – composed of senior representatives of SMEs, political representatives from all over Europe and the finalists of the European Enterprise Awards competition – will be led by Costas Andropoulos, Head of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission.

The Assembly, promoted by the European Commission, is the centerpiece of the event European SME Week and is part of the measures to promote significant growth in key sectors of the Italian and European economy.

Città della Scienza has been identified as the Assembly’s location as a significant example of doing business in Italy, and its support activities, creation and development of Italian SMEs.

This year’s theme is “Growth Through Enterprise: Exploiting the Opportunities Ahead”. As in previous years, the award ceremony for the promotion of European business will be a highlight of the Assembly, which brings together SMEs, corporate organizations, governments, European, national and regional authorities, academia and the media.

For more information, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/small-business-act/2014-sme-assembly/index_en.htm.

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