On June 27, 2012, was held MAKING TOGETHER, a workshop to stimulate synergies for business projects of innovation, science and creativity. The workshop, organized by Città della Scienza, in collaboration with the Foundation Plart, IDEAS, Department of Industrial Design, Environment and History of the Second University of Naples and COdesignLab, it was realized within KiiCS (Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science), an European project in which scientists, artists and young people work together for creativity and innovation in Europe.
Follow us on the web site of Città della Scienza and KiiCS (www.cittadellascienza.it and www.kiics.eu), don’t miss the upcoming events in the name of creativity and innovation!
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presentazione kiics
pc-make the difference (s)
la rocca thinkering-plart
abstract terza rivoluzione
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