On the occasion of the Brain Awareness Week, from March 10 to 14 Città della Scienza hosts “Menti a confronto”, a series of lessons (in Italian) between experts and students of secondary and high school.
Monday, March 10
10.30-12.00, Cortese Hall-module 34
Thinking and loving with brain. What happens when you fall in love?
Dario Grossi, President of the Italian Society of Neuropsychology
Tuesday, March 11
10.30-12.00, Cortese Hall-module 34
Learning and development
Antonio Giuditta, University of Naples “Federico II”
12.00-13.30, Cortese Hall-module 34
Brain and Empathy: put yourself in someone else’s shoes
Massimiliano Conson, Second University of Naples
Wednesday, March 12
10.30-12.00, Cortese Hall-module 34
Pink Brain, Blue Brain: is it true that women came from Venus and men from Mars?
Marina Melone, Director of Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca per le Neuroscienze (CIRN)
Thursday, March 13
10.30-12.00, Cortese Hall-module 34
Robots, men and artificial brains. The new frontiers of interdisciplinary research
Orazio Miglino, Laboratory for the Study of Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems, University of Naples “Federico II”
Friday, March 14
10.30-12.00, Cortese Hall-module 34
Brain and technology. How the of know-how evolved
Lucia Borrelli and Carmela Petti, Museums of Natural and Physical Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”