From October 18 to 21 a delegation from Città della Scienza, led by its Chief Executive Officer Vincenzo Lipardi and the Head of International Relations Anne Marie Bruyas, participates in the annual conference of the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), the North American community of science centres, which takes place in North Caroline. From 2013, Città della Scienza is in fact a member of the important North American network of science centres, that after the fire of March 4, 2013, expressed its sympathy and solidarity to the Neapolitan science centre, by launching an appeal to raise funds in the international community through the program Science Museum Crisis Relief. The ASTC has created for this purpose a partnership with the Italian Embassy in Washington DC to involve organizations of solidarity and Italian entrepreneurs across North America and all over the world, to seek contributions for the reconstruction of Città della Scienza. The mission is part of the increasingly closer scientific links between Città della Scienza and the that most important institutions of American popular science such as MIT and the Exploratorium in San Francisco.