Coopstartup is an experimental action research project that aims to test new processes of cooperative promotion especially among young people, introducing innovations, both technological and social, in current cooperation.
Last October 29th we completed the first phase CoopStartup 2015, with the selection of 30 finalists startups, one third of which are from Campania Region and operate mainly in sectors of Tourism, Food, and Innovation, thanks to the work of promoting the Business Innovation Centre of Città della Scienza played.
Over 300 projects received: five prizes from CoopStartUp. Città della Scienza, in addition to the work of evaluating projects, will follow the implementation of the business plan that finalists will be asked to accomplish in the coming months.
The next important event is the National Meeting The ecosystem for innovative startups, to be held in Rome on November 18th, from 10.30 am to 5 pm, at the Hall of Bassevi Legacoop, in Guattani 9.
It will discuss finance for startup, acceleration, incubation, communication and, above all, cooperation.