The new City Sightseeing touristic service “Discover Campi Flegrei”, for the first time connect Città della Scienza and Solfatara.
“We are really happy to be on ‘board’ the most famous and evocative bus in the city – said Vincenzo Lipardi, Secretary General of Città della Scienza - This is the demonstration of how our reality is increasingly becoming a leading cultural and tourist attraction for our city. Today, tourists and Neapolitans can combine the discovery of wonders with historical and monumental towns and the suggestive contemporary architecture of Città della Scienza ,but above all its contents of advanced social and technological innovation and scientific dissemination in the enchanting setting of the Gulf of Pozzuoli. “
“Every year we aim for new services to expand the tourist offer and to enjoy not only the beauties but also the excellence of our territory, today it is in Bagnoli and in the Phlegrean area. Città della Scienza and Solfatara are among the main attractions of the Phlegrean area and networking between transport and sites of excellence is the strong point for a city that points to the knowledge and tourism development of the territory. ” This is what Antonietta Sannino, Managing Director of City Sightseeing Naples said.
The inclusion of the Città della Scienza and Solfatara among the tourist trails proposed by Sightseeing is also linked to the data emerging from the last survey conducted by the company on tourist flows connected to the city of Naples. Compared to 2014, “tourists passing” in Naples have risen from 6% to 15%, and tourists who choose to stay somewhere in town in hotels almost doubled: 33% going up to 57%.
“I am very pleased with this initiative of City Sightseeing Naples, which, with true entrepreneurial spirit and love for the region in which it already actively works, has decided to extend its service to an area rich in natural and archaeological resources such as Phlegrean area, worthy of being fully included in the tourist circuit of the province of Naples” Giorgio Angarano, administrator of Vulcano Solfatara srl said
“Discover Campi Flegrei contribuirà alla scoperta e riscoperta dei ‘nostri’ Campi Flegrei transitando lungo la costa del cratere di Bagnoli, sostando a Città della Scienza, eccellenza scientifica e divulgativa sempre più all’avanguardia per la sua offerta culturale, proseguendo verso Pozzuoli e le sue altre meraviglie”, ha concluso Nino Daniele, assessore al Turismo del Comune di Napoli.
“Discover Campi Flegrei will contribute to the discovery and rediscovery of our ‘Campi Flegrei’ along the coast of Bagnoli’s crater, with Città della Scienza the most advanced scientific and popular excellence for its cultural offer, continuing towards Pozzuoli and Its other wonders” ended Nino Daniele, Tourism ministry of the City of Naples.