Città della Scienza, as local coordinator of RIS EIT Health for Campania and Italy, promotes the participation of the company system in the vent to be held in Naples of EIT Health Innovation Open House on June 16th from 9 am to 4.30 pm at the Scipione Bobbio Hall, Faculty of Engineering, UNINA, Piazzale Tecchio 80.
The event is organized in collaboration with Knowledge Transfer@Campania, the network of EIT Health placed in Campania Region, including the CRIBB- Italian Institute Of Technology and the School of Clinical Medicine and Surgery of the University of Naples Federico II. EIT Health – European Institute of Health Technologies – is responsible for funding European projects for scientific research excellence and high education aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens and in particular their health.
The day of work will be an opportunity to provide future entrepreneurs, startupers and makers with an overview of ongoing activities, with the presentation of the 5 EIT Health programs.
There will also be presented TWO of the innovative startup mills operating in the fields of biotech, medtech or digital healt. At the end of the work, there will be a moment of networking between the participants and the main actors of the regional / national and European ecosystem.
To participate
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For more info: health@cittadellascienza.it