In occasion of the “Italian Research Day in the World” – commissioned by Farnesina in 2018 with the aim of enhancing the contribution of Italian researchers in increasing the human knowledge frontier, and celenbrated every year on April 15, on the anniversary of birth of the Italian genius Leonardo Da Vinci – the Embassy of Italy in Mexico promotes, in collaboration with Città della Scienza in Italy and Universum in Mexico, the photographic exhibition Materica: science as you (not) imagine it.

The inauguration of the exhibition will take place on April 16 at 7 pm (Italy) at 12 (Mexico), online mode due to the restrictions due to the pandemic.
At the center of the exhibition are natural materials chosen for their characteristics and possible uses in terms of energy transition and environmental impact.
Each photo and each material is considered under a double point of view: the scientific one, including its history and characteristics, and the aesthetic one, where the beauty of the material becomes the protagonist with unexpected visual suggestions.
Among the new materials presented in this aesthetic-scientific narrative of frontier research, a special space is dedicated to Graphene, the thinnest material in the world, a single layer of graphite, which has always existed, yet so innovative that it can lead to a new technological revolution: from telecommunications with low energy consumption, to batteries that recharge quickly, to fast and portable high sensitivity biosensors and solar sails able of taking us to new corners of the universe.
An extraordinary researcher, who clearly testifies to the authority of the Italian research and innovation system, investigated the extraordinary properties of Graphene: Camilla Coletti, researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology and Director of the 2D Materials Engineering Research Group, Italy, author of over 110 publications which already has 2 international patents to its credit and is currently working on the themes of synthesis and integration of scalable 2D materials for optoelectronics, photonics and biomedicine and on engineering van der Waals heterostructures.
Antonio Miramontes CEO of Energeia Graphenemex México, as a voice belonging to the business world will complete the picture on the applications of Graphene will be the voice from the business world of .
At the end of the Italo-Mexican event, the authors of the “Materica” exhibition will be attended by Mauro Caccavale, Researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR-CNR, Italy and Michela Alfé Researcher at the Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Mobility STEMS-CNR, Italy.
The first edition of the Italian research day in the world was launched at the Farnesina on April 16, 2018, with the presentation of the exhibition “Italy the beauty of knowledge”, a project promoted and financed by the MAECI and carried out by the National Research Council with the four Italian science museums in which Città della Scienza is at the forefront.
The event will be held in Italian and Spanish.
To participate in the inaugural event, send an email: by 6.00 pm the day before.
The conference will be broadcast on Facebook channels: Italian Institute of Culture Ciudad de México and / or Città della Scienza