Today February 9th, 2015 the exhibition Hybrid-ism and Multi-etnicity will be inaugurated in San Francisco at Campus Centre Galleries, California College of Arts, 111 8th St, 94103. It is the product of the study course held in the last months of 2014 as part of the International Exchange Program between California College of Arts di San Francisco Usa and University of Naples.
Mariella Poli and Carla Langella coordinated the course in collaboration with Città della Scienza, CEICC, Noi@Europe, Comune di Napoli e Cooperativa Dedalus.
The exhibition was already on display in Città della Scienza from December 11th 2014 to January 6th 205.
A new workshop, to be held in Città della Scienza, is on program next June 11th to 19th with Mariella Poli and 15 students of California College of Arts.
Workshop will be presented on May 28th where students who want to participate can be present.