Tuesday, December 13, 2016, 10:00 am
Theatre Galilei – Città della Scienza
Via Coroglio, 104, Naples
Senator Elena Cattaneo will discuss with
Maurizio Bifulco, President of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of the University of Salerno
Gaetano Manfredi, Rector of the University of Naples Federico II
Vittorio Silvestrini, President of the Città della Scienza
Senator Elena Cattaneo will tell her political experience and world-renowned biologist, with fighting spirit and deep commitment.
On this occasion, will be presented the volume of Elena Cattaneo
OGNI GIORNO, TRA SCIENZA E POLITICA, published by Mondadori.
The secondary schools of second degree interested in the participation in the event, can send an email to donofrio@cittadellascienza.it or call the number 081.7352220 – 222 – 258-259.
Register to participate.