On the occasion of Europe Day
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Archimede Hall, Città della Scienza, Via Coroglio 57
Under the European project KiiCS, which combines art, innovation and enterprise, seven groups of Campanian schools, selected thanks to IGS.net, have participated in a competition that will decide the best project of national enterprise, which will take part in a European competition with 18 other partners from 11 European countries.
The winner of the European competition will attend the European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Warsaw.
The schools that will compete are:
- ISIS De Medici with the project Plasticandia
- ITIS Ferraris with the project SunCity
- ITIS Ferraris with the project +Verde
- ITCG Pareto with the project Eco Lab
- ISIS Tassinari with the project PTP
- IIS Tilgher with the project Tilgher Travel
- ITIS Volta with the project Volta-Ico Project
At the end of the award ceremony, all the students involved will participate in the guided tour of the exhibition European’s Inventors Hall of Fame.
The jury that will evaluate the projects consists of:
- Luca Simeone – Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza
- Francesco Sacerdoti – CEO E-voluzione srl
- Roberto Dentale – Regional Coordinator IGs net
- Pietro Ciotola – CEO Enjnia
- Clara Degni – CEICC-Europe Direct, Comune di Napoli