Mission Antarctica 35 years of Italian mission in the extreme continent reopens to the public.

Wednesday 2 June 2021 in Città della Scienza the exhibition Mission Antarctica  35 years of Italian mission in the extreme continent reopens to the public.  From 10 to 2 pm  there will be the Italian researchers welcoming and guiding visitors through the exhibition, answering questions and telling their experience in Antarctica. Biologists of the University of Naples Parthenope will show a selection of Antarctic samples and will provide a broad description of them. The day of June 2 anticipates the appointment scheduled for June 3 with the connection, live on our social channels, with the Italian-French base Concordia.

Ri-apertura del 2 giugno Mostra sulle spedizioni italiane in Antartide_cds


Giorgio Budillon
Professor of the University of Naples Parthenope and Vice President of the National Scientific Commission for Antarctica

Vincenzo Saggiomo
Director of the Dohrn Foundation and member of the National Scientific Commission for Antarctica

Olga Mangoni
Professor at the University of Naples Parthenope

Yuri Cotroneo
Researcher at the University of Naples Parthenope

Pasquale Castagno
Researcher at the University of Naples Parthenope

Luigia Donnarumma
Researcher at the University of Naples Parthenope

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