More than 10,000 teachers from all over Italy have confirmed the success of this 12th edition of “Smart Education & Technology Days – 3 days for school”: the national event, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, University and Research, devoted entirely to the school, held on 9, 10 and 11 of October 2014 at Città della Scienza.
During plenary sessions, workshops and seminars, Italian teachers have discussed on the challenges of public education, by sharing successful models, best practices and a culture of innovative pedagogy, through am intelligent use of new technologies. The event was also successfully linked with “Comunicare Fisica 2014”, the conference organized every year by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics to discuss and exchange views on the teaching and communication of physics, with the participation of journalists, teachers, researchers and other professionals.
The event closes today with the Science Picnic: in 10 workstations, 500 students from 30 schools across Italy, selected through an announcement of the Ministry of Education, have shown to over 3000 visitors scientific experiments, prototypes, models and inventions produced by themselves, through microscopes, robotics and astronomic instruments.
Città della Scienza’s President, Prof. Vittorio Silvestrini, said at the closing of the event: “This success confirms the new interest in Italy about the world of schools and the essential role they play in the cultural and economic growth of our country”.