May 8th
Special Event: Mother’s day at Città della Scienza
Città della Scienza sets up a full day of activities dedicated to Mothers
Free ticket for all mums!
Kids labs ( 3 to 6 years) making gifts for their mums.
Children ( 6 to 10 years) will cook special buscuits.
Observation in the virtual pool.
Outdoor: scientific observation on eggs and embrional life
Visitors can learn about science in everyday life and seek answers to the typical questions that children pose growing relentlessly to their mothers: and so much more …
they will discover how insects behave … and understand the diversity of mammals with caregiving techniques.
In the Garden instead we will prepare beautiful origami flowers.
And also, with the help of her mother, a fun treasure hunt to discover the flora and fauna. With “Honey Mamma”, the treasure will be a gift that children provide to their mothers.