The project
Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza is partner of the European Project Open Schools for Open Societies – OSOS, for Horizon 2020 program about research and innovation , and National Coordinator of schools participating in the project
OSOS project main objective is to turn schools iy into Open Schools through both science and teaching innovation, inviting families, local communities, businesses, experts, universities and other realities present on the territory to work together for projects focuasing on real needs and challenges of both society and local communities.
The first goal to be achieved is the realization of 10 Open School Hubs nationwide. An Open School Hub is a school that has started a radical transformation and system not only in teaching methodologies, but in every aspect of the way the school is organized: its structure, culture, use of space, place and weather. An Open Schooling Hub will be an open, curious, welcoming and democratic environment that will support the development of educational activities and creative, as well as innovative, projects.
Activities will be mainly focused on areas of science that are linked to the challenges and social priorities set by European Commission:
- Health, demographic change and well-being.
- Sustainable food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime research, and bioeconomics.
- Safe, clean and efficient energy.
- Smart,Sustainable and Integrated Transport.
- Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials.
- Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies: Europe in a constantly evolving world.
- Freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.
Furthermore, the activities will focus heavily on research and innovation issues and on what follows, involving students in discussions and debates on how science and technology positively affect human well-being, but also think about new ethical risks and dilemmas .
National coordinators list for OSOS partnership:
Greece: Institute of Educational Policy
Georgia Fermeli: gfermeli@iep.edu.gr
Germany: University of Bayreuth
Michaela Maurer: Michaela.Maurer@uni-bayreuth.de
Netherlands: National Centre of Science and Technology (NEMO)
Meie van Laar: vanlaar@e-nemo.nl
Israel: ORT Israel
Yair Ben-Horin: yairb@mapa.ort.org.il
Mariluz Guenaga: mlguenaga@deusto.es
Ireland: Dublin City University
Caitriona Mordan: caitriona.mordan@dcu.ie
Finland: University of Turku
Tomi Jaakkola: toanja@utu.fi
Bulgaria: Foundation Open Science
Boyka Aneva: fos@openscience.bg
France: Cite de l’Espace (CITE)
Laurianne PALIN: l.palin@cite-espace.com
Portugal: Ciencia Viva (CVIVA)
Gisele Oliveira: goliveira@cienciaviva.pt
Adriana Galveias: agalveias@cienciaviva.pt
Italy: Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza
Flora Di Martino dmartino@cittadellascienza.it
Rossella Parente: parente@cittadellascienza.it
For all other European countries: Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Ellinogermaniki Agogiphanos Cherouvis: stecherouvis@ea.gr
Information materials
Schools that are interested in following this exciting and innovative adventure and become an integral part of this research (participating in exciting projects, adhering to teachers’ communities, attending training events and summer schools, attending educational competitions) can contact OSOS project leaders:
Flora Di Martino, 081 7352 260, dmartino@cittadellascienza.it
Rossella Parente, 081 7352 406, parente@cittadellascienza.it
Link utili