On Monday March 4, 2013, a fire has destroyed the Science Center of Città della Scienza in Napoli, Italy. Investigators are working to determine the causes of the fire. Whatever the results of the investigations, the situation now is such that the exhibition activities are temporarily interrupted, while the activities in the Conference Center are going on. In the last days people and institutions from all over Italy have displayed their solidarity and support to a fast relaunch. The Head of State, Giorgio Napolitano, expressed sadness and support in the name of all Italian citizens. The same did other Ministers as well, from the Minister of Education Mr. Profumo, to the Minister of Territorial Cohesion Mr. Barca, to the Minister of Justice Mrs. Severino, who visited our premises. We have been receiving messages from all over the world. The main scientific institutions, research centers, scientists and friends of Città della Scienza reiterate that our science center must be rebuilt as soon as possible. That is why we ask you all to spread our appeal for a donation in financial support to keep on being the first Italian Science Center, to be returned to its visitors, our city and the whole world. We will be very grateful if you would make a donation for the future of Città della Scienza. You can do it as follows:
IBAN: IT41X0101003497100000003256
Reason: Ricostruiamo Città della Scienza
Holder: Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza
IBAN: IT96T0100503408000000030000
SWIFT/BIC (per le rimesse dall’estero): BNLIITRR
Causale: Ricostruiamo Città della Scienza
Intestato a Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza
IBAN: IT12H0760103400001012171631
Causale: Ricostruiamo Città della Scienza
Intestato a Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza
A dedicated web page has been opened on CambioMerci, www.cambiomerci.com/ricostruiamocittadellascienza, whereby professionals and firms may offer their skills and/or materials in order to restart the activities of Città della Scienza as soon an possible.
Derev has activated a crowdfunding at https://www.derev.com/revolution/ricostruiamo-citta-della-scienza/ in order to collect funds.