From the small Venice of Lamont Young to the great urban reconversion project of Renzo Piano, Bagnoli has always attracted utopias of beauty and tourism development. An original vocation if one thinks of its probable etymology (Balneolis) and of the actual thermal fortune of the Roman period. A destiny interrupted by the almost century-old twentieth century industrial bracket and suspended by the great vicissitudes of the lack of reconversion in the last decades. In this context Città della Scienza represents, since its birth, a concrete and utopian setback on the possible rebirth of this territory. The original idea of a center of scientific popularization that replaced the steel factory with the brain factory, still represents a project and a farsighted and tenacious reality, of revitalizing the area through culture and knowledge. With this in mind, Città della Scienza Commissioner Giuseppe Albano will speak at the first 2019 appointment of “ Saturday of ideas ” to be held next January 26th at the Circolo Ilva di Bagnoli, together with a large parterre of experts and institutions, local and national authorities, who will discuss the present and the future of the area.
Vittorio Attanasio
ILVA Circolo Club President
Giuseppe Albano
Fondazione Idis _ Città della Scienza Commissioner
Diego Civitillo
X Municipality of Naples President
Lucio d’Alessandro
Suor Orsola Benincasa University Rector
Gaetano Manfredi
University of Naples Federico II Rector
Marco Salvatore
IRCCS SDN Naples Scientific Director
Ottavio Ragone
Responsible editorial “Republic” in Naples
Guglielmo Santoro Board of Directors ILVA Bagnoli
Giuseppe Esposito ARCI Sea Bagnoli
Osvaldo Cammarota ARCI Pesca FISA Campania Region
Angelo Costa Architect
Antonio Di Gennaro Environmentalist
Vito Grassi Industrial Union of Naples President
Leonardo Di Mauro Order of Architects President
Edoardo Cosenza Order of Engineers President
Pietro Spirito Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority President
Domenico Arcuri Invitalia CEO
Francesco Floro Flores Bagnoli Government Commissioner
Carmine Piscopo Councilor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Naples
Bruno Discepolo Councilor for Urban Planning of the Campania Region
Barbara Lezzi Minister for the South