Città della Scienza – within the activities cooperation with China on the subjects of science technology and innovation – promoted and organized the Italian participation in the main international event on Technological Transfer sponsored by the Ministry for Science and Technology of China [MOST ], the International Technology Transfer Convention [ITTC] 2015.
The event is organized in thematic sessions and takes place in two stages:
- 3D Printex Expo & Summit, held in Shenzhen April 17th to 19th, as part of the 13th Conference on International Exchange of professionals- international technology transfer and innovation collaboration;
- The Beijing International Technology Transfer Convention to be held in Beijing from April 23rdto 21st.
Città della Scienza is the main institutional partner for the organization of the Sino-Italian session and promoted the participation of research centers, universities, enterprises, the fab lab and other bodies concerned to the appointment of Shenzhen and Beijing.
Italian delegation organized by Città della Scienza consists of: CNR, EBN, ENEA, European Maker Faire, La Sapienza University of Rome, Politecnico di Milano, Second University of Naples, Medaarch – Mediterranean Fab Lab (University of Salerno), Make in Italy Foundation.