Beijing, Chengdu, Guiyang November 13th-17th, 2017
The call for participation in the China-Italy Science, Technology & Innovation Week 2017 is now open. It will be held in China from November 13th to 17th, a week dedicated entirely to the scientific and technological cooperation between professionals of the two countries, aimed at creating technological, productive and commercial partnerships in innovative research-entrepreneurial contexts.
This year, the event will be inaugurated in Beijing in the presence of Italian Minister Valeria Fedeli and Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang and it will include two sub-forum, one in Chengdu – an important economic center as well as a niche in transport and communications – and one in Guiyang – Economic Center And technology of the Guizhou Province.
The event follows the format consolidated over the years: thematic seminars, round tables and One-to-One meetings. Two special events this year: the 2nd edition of the China-Italy Best Startup Showcase.
Who can participate: companies and all public and private organizations (research centers, universities, innovative districts, enterprise-research clusters, science and technology parks, associations) with a headquarters in Italy involved in product and process innovation or in scientific and technological research, and that are looking for potential customers or partners in the People’s Republic of China.
How to Participate: the participation in the event, in the One-to-One meetings and in the work sessions is free but is subject to registration on the IT platform ITALYmatchmaking (http://italymatchmaking.cittadellascienza.it/events) and subject to the subsequent confirmation by the Città della Scienza.
Promoters: The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research-MIUR in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation-MAECI and is coordinated by Città della Scienza of Naples. The event is realized in synergy with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea and in collaboration with the National Research Council – CNR, Confindustria and with the major Italian Universities and research centers and with Campania Region for the organization of the Sino-Italian Exchange Event.
Registration deadline: you can sign up for the One-to-One meetings until October 15th, 2017, while registration to the general event is open until October 30th, 2017.
More details in the Call for participation
For further information:
Città della Scienza
Casa Cina – International Technology Transfer Centre
email: cina@cittadellascienza.it
tel: 081-7352448