Startup Opportunities

 SMART Project call  promoted by Naples International Airport

 March 14th, 5 pm, Saffo hall
Coroglio street 57, Città della Scienza

SMART Project is an open innovation project promoted by GESAC that is the management company of  Naples International Airport to stimulate and activate the culture of collaboration and active participation of the  airport community in order to build with it, according to the logic of co-design, a common vision of what will be the future airport. A SMART Airport, which can offer a Smooth, Memorable, authentic experience in Travel.

A call for ideas for developing services and innovative activities in order to improve the passenger experience and the quality of infrastructure Airport. Starting from people and their needs with the 3P approach  (Premises, Processes, People), the purpose of the project is the prototype of creative ideas consistent with the vision and the mission of the Naples International Airport.

Frequent flyers,  simple passengers, students, business man, graduates, researchers are invited to propose their own creative ideas, oriented to the three elements of the pyramid of airport services (uniqueness, usability and functionality), so that it can turn into a real innovative project prototype and be part of processes.

Ideas will be able to make more performing and innovative the operative processes and the ambience of the airport but also oriented towards the promoting and development of  Naples International Airport .

 SMART Project è stato sviluppato da Gesac in collaborazione con ACI Airport Council International Europe, Business Innovation Centre and Città della Scienza FabLab , Creactivitas Creative Economy Lab, ADI Campania Delegation.

Subjects involved: Campania Competitiva, NaStartUP, Contamination Lab, Tbiz, StartUp Lab SUN, LisaLab, Lab UNISAStartAward, Riot, Laboratorio dell’Impresa Culturale Federico II.

Vincenzo Lipardi, Città della Scienza CEO
Armando Brunini,  Gesac CEO
Salvatore Cozzolino, ADI President Campania delegation
Valeria Fascione, Assessor for Innovation, Internationalization and Start Up Campania Region


Presentation of the call for ideas a cura del Project Team di Gesac.

smart project
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