Next February 9th a special event will take place in Città della Scienza with the participation of Anthony James Leggett Nobel Prize winner, Maurizio de Giovanni writer, Giuseppe Ferraro philosopher, Marina Melone neurologist, Adriano Bacconi Football Innovation Manager, Eugenio Bennato musician and Paolo Silvestrini physicist. Professor Leggett accepted the challenge of working with others in imagining a vision of the sustainable world, moving around words such as Harmony, Culture, Science, Tradition, Communication, Music, Economics, Relations, Sport, Roots, Cities for give life to a discussion on issues that affect everyone’s life. Greeks left to Mediterranean Europe the need to hold together Eudaimonia and Eunomia, the one indicating the well-being as intimacy of being well with one’s own soul, with one’s own genius, feeding one’s own vocation and realizing one’s own talent, the other meaning good legislation. The invitation, addressed to all participants, is to relive the path between these two words in order to build a vision of common life that is deeply rooted in our history and our culture, and at the same time innovative, radically transforming into what we recognize to fail in the current model.

The meeting aligns with Universiadi, which will be held in Naples from 3 to 14 July 2019, as an opportunity to spread, starting from Naples, an invitation addressed to young people all over the world, and to all those who think of the future as to a resource, to image and think together on the way and the conditions to put at the center of the life of men values and meanings that today are relegated to marginal positions or, even, completely forgotten in public debate and political action. The right to a happy life in a society that respects the community is at the center of a reflection that is articulated between different words, some now in disuse, others maybe “corrupt”, but whose rediscovery, with the emergence of their original meaning , can reveal important truths for us all.
Saturday February 9th, 2019 – from 3.30 to 5.30 pm
Città della Scienza, Naples
Free entry
If you are a teacher and like your class to partecipate please write to or call 081.7352.220
L’appuntamento del 9 febbraio è il primo di un ciclo di incontri che si terranno a Città della Scienza in vista delle Universiadi. Il calendario con gli altri appuntamenti sarà comunicato nelle prossime settimane.
Paolo Silvestrini, University Luigi Vanvitelli
Anthony James Leggett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Physics Nobel Prize 2003
A physicist’s apology: what physics can contribute to the discussion of social issues
Giuseppe Ferraro, University of Naples Federico II
Supreme Good
Marina Melone, University Luigi Vanvitelli
Does well-being live in the brain?
Maurizio de Giovanni, writer
Blue City, and its blue passion
Adriano Bacconi, Football Innovation Manager
Between creativity and technology: how football changes
Eugenio Bennato, musicista
The meridian thought
Music performance Eugenio Bennato
From 17.30
Open Public talking
* headphones to follow the simultaneous translation can be collected at the entrance of the room (upon delivery of a valid identification document) from 2.45 pm to 3.30 pm. After this time, the withdrawal will no longer be possible even in case of special and documented reasons.