6th edition ISSA Prize – December 6

Established in the school year 2007-2008 with the single subscription of ISIS School “G. Tassinari”, in the following years the prize has seen a gradual increase of the participating schools. ISSA Prize is a contest of scientific culture by tests. Initially, the type of tests was based on several subjects. including mathematics, science, chemistry and physics. However, the need to highlight the primary purpose of the Prize, firstly as a social value, has brought to the introduction of new types of tests. The tests, based on subjects, do not point out some epistemological aspects of science, the dense weave between scientific thought and the socio-economic conditions related to technological development.

With the 6th edition, a thematic test has been introduced, to highlight the social need of knowledge of our territory. This edition was attended by 12 schools located in the Phlegrean area, with the participation of 241 classes. The prize-giving ceremony of the 6th edition of ISSA Prize will be held on December 6, 2013 at 4 p.m. at ISIS School “G. Tassinari” in Pozzuoli.

More info:

premioissa@isistassinari.it parente@cittadellascienza.it

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