Since 2002, in June 8th the World Ocean Day is celebrated worldwide with a wide program of activities realized by cultural instituitions and research centres.
Next June 8th, 2017, for the first time Ocean Literacy Italia will supervise most of activities to be held in Italy. Ocean Literacy Italia is a network of cultural organization aiming at sea promotion, its growth in Italy has been promoted this year by Unesco site in Venice on the model of the network already excisting in United States of America.
Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza organized a day of events at the presence of important reasearch intitutes: Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn, l’Università Parthenope and CNR.
Fondazione Idis offers free entries for the Sea Exhibition including guided tours. At 11:30 am, in the GNAM Village of Città della Scienza researchers and experts will open debates on different issues connected with the sea.