Friday, February 27th, in the Incubator of Città della Scienza, Sala Cortese, at 11 am, the press conference introducing the project “Youth and Enterprise” will be held, promoted by the Rotaract Club and the Young Entrepreneur Group of the Industrial Union of Naples. The project aims to introduce young people to the business world, showing them about the experiences of some significant entrepreneurial realities of Campania who were able to mix tradition and innovation. In the coming months meetings and visits to important regional business realities will be organized, to promote awareness among young people and to arise awareness and encourage them to be part of this business world. Città della Scienza is the first stage of this “journey”. Young people will be able to discover the challenges and difficulties of starting business successful, through the stories of startups hosted in the Incubator. Program: Greeting DANILO DE FAZIO, Rotaract Representative District 2100 LUCA TONDINI, Head professional service for Campania Rotaract District 2100 Modera SIMONA TRUCILLO, Rotaract Club Naples Interventi VINCENZO LIPARDI, CEO Idis Foundation – Città della Scienza MARIANGELA CONTURSI, Creation and Enterprise Development Head Foundation Idis-Città della Scienza VINCENZO CAPUTO, National Vice President of the Group of Young Entrepreneurs Union of Industrialists SUSANNA MOCCIA, President of the Young Entrepreneurs Union of Industrialists of the Province of Naples VINCENZO AGLIARDI, Economic journalist