A charming journey discovering Universe. Stars, planets, galaxies, universe…and much more!!!

The new Palnetarium of Città della Scienza, the most advanced of Italy, is an extraordinary attraction to enjoy special shows on the Universe mysteries and much more. Planetarium is also a simulator of the sky, an educational tool for learning astronomy by reproducing the sky and astronomical objects that populate the universe.
Planetarium of Città della Scienza is the largest and most advanced one of Italy. It has a diameter of 20 meters,120 seats, and one of the most advanced technologies in the world. The most recent technologies and the special position of the dome provide an effect of complete involvement of the viewer, thanks to acoustics that will guarantee the public a unique spectacle of the universe and enveloping.
The planetarium offers shows and movies to be immersed in a night sky, discover the stars from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers getting to large current telescopes, know how to protect the starry skies from light pollution, retrace missions to the moon, follow the travels of probes and spacecraft that have explored our Solar System, or even explore the dark matter to understand why the universe is as it appears, where we come from, and how it has evolved in billions of years.
But the facility will also function as a 3D cinema, with spectacular film in 3D with which you can travel in the history of ancient peoples and modern and discover the wonders of nature, archeology and history.
Connecting people, spreading knoweldge and entertaining are the goals of the Planetarium activities equipped by a digital projection system – the Digistar 6 of Evans & Sutherland – most advanced technologies and constantly animated by a rich program of scientific events dedicated to astrophysics, astronomy and aerospace technology developed in collaboration with leading research centers and international agencies, such as NASA, the Italian Space Agency, ESA, ESO, etc.

The sky of the month (LIVE)

The night sky is as evocative as it is changeable. Thanks to the Planetarium, which will faithfully reproduce the celestial vault of the current period, we will discover the wonders that populate our nights.
We will learn to recognize the main constellations and the brightest stars not leaving out some related mythological tales. Since ancient times, mankind understood that the cyclical movements of the stars enabled them to orient themselves and mark the passage of time. We will understand how to find the North Star and use it to geolocate ourselves. We will fly over fascinating very young star clusters and others that contain stars that are billions of years old! Finally, we won’t be able to avoid pausing to see from vantage points planets and moons but also beautiful nebulae made of interstellar gas and dust!
Typology: LIVE
Recommended age: for everyone
Duration: 30 minutes
Let's explore the Solar System (LIVE)

On the outskirts of a galaxy called the Milky Way is a star named the Sun, around which our planet, Earth, orbits, along with seven other planets (as well as natural satellites, dwarf planets and other bizarre celestial bodies). The Planetarium will be transformed into a giant spacecraft that will allow us to fly over most of these worlds so profoundly different physically and chemically from our own planet. We will start by getting a very close look at the Sun and continue this Space Tour by stopping at the various rocky planets without forgetting to take a look at the Earth and the Moon, our natural satellite. We will also explore the gas giant planets of the solar system, dwelling on the wonderful rings and their striking and very interesting Moons.
Typology: LIVE
Recommended age: for everyone
Duration: 30 minutes

Since the end of the twentieth century, man has begun to launch unmanned probes to the most remote places in the Solar System. During this show we will discover how these technological jewels have allowed us to enlarge the horizons of our knowledge in an unimaginable way. Today the exploration continues: what other mysteries will the Explorers Robot reveal to us?
Age: from 6 years
Evans & Sutherland
Dalla Terra all'Universo

The desire to understand the Universe has animated man since time immemorial. The myths of the ancients and modern scientific theories are different expressions of the attempt to understand the world around us and our place in it. From the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to modern space telescopes, in this show we retrace the stages marked by mankind in its understanding of the universe.
Languages: Italian and English
Recommended age: 11 years and up
Produced by: Theofanis Matsopoulos & European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Piccolo Principe

The little prince is a child from a tiny planet, with a great desire to get to know and meet new people and their habits. He is a little blond child full of enthusiasm with a desire to know and a great deal of curiosity, especially about the Universe. During his journey we will see many astronomical objects populating the sky: some familiar, others more exotic. Are you ready to set off with him?
Languages: Italian
Animation show
Recommended age: 4-5 years and family
Access – The Planetarium has a capacity of 113 seats.
Delays – We recommend the utmost punctuality because once the screening has started it will no longer be possible to enter the Planetarium. The ticket is unique and non-transferable; in the event of delays it cannot be used for subsequent shows, either during the day or on subsequent dates. The ticket is in no way refundable.
Prohibitions – Inside the Planetarium it is absolutely forbidden to smoke, turn on lights of any kind, introduce animals, bring in food and/or drinks, use mobile phones, take photos and/or videos.
Depending on the epidemiological situation, the availability of seats in the Planetarium may be limited and reduced compared to the overall capacity.
PLANETARY RECEIVERS: receivers to attend the shows in English will be handed out upon temporary withdrawal of an identification document (car driving licence, identity card or passport: other types of identification will not be accepted). The document handed in will be kept in the appropriate box and returned to the user when the receiver/headphone is returned.