La prima edizione del Forum si è svolta il 19 e 20 Aprile 2017 in Iran a Teheran.
il Forum è un evento di networking e matchmaking che mira a
- mettere in contatto i centri di ricerca e le imprese ad alta tecnologia per promuovere e vendere prodotti, servizi e capacità innovative;
- promuovere le “eccellenze” in ambito scientifico e tecnologico dei due Paesi rafforzando il dialogo bilaterale istituzionale;
- sostenere la cooperazione tra soggetti – imprenditoriali e di ricerca – che sviluppano innovazione.
18.00 Side events at the Memaranmoaser Institute – Tehran, Shahrak Gharb(Ghods), Saanat Square
Computational Design and Advanced Manufacturing: the places of the Digital Fabrication Revolution, Città della Scienza
7.30 Transfer from Hotel Esteghal to the Conference Centre
8.30 Registration
9.30-11.00: Opening ceremony of the Iran-Italy Science, Technology and Innovation Forum (Iranian/Italian language)
Citation of some verses from the Holy Quran, Singing of the National Anthems
- Salar Amoli, Acting Minister for Scientific Cooperation, MSRT
- Francesco Loreto, President Delegate of the National Research Council of Italy
- Vahid Ahmadi, Deputy Minister for Research And Technology, MSRT
- Vincenzo Lipardi, Secretary General, Città della Scienza
Keynote speeches by Ministers
Valeria Fedeli, Minister of Education, Universities and Research, Italy
Mohammad Farhadi, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Iran
11.00 Coffee break
11.30-13.00: Thematic seminars on priority topics (English language)
Thematic seminars aim to present research outcomes and advanced technologies in a specific field looking at opportunities of bilateral collaboration. Seminars includes Italian and Iranian speakers: time for each speaker max 7/8 minutes (PPT should be sent in advance and saved on USB key).
Special Session: Innovation strategies
- Naser Farrokhi, Associate professor, Faculty of Life Science and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University (Chairman)
- Maurizio Antonini, Counselor for Political Affairs – Italian Embassy in Tehran (Italian Co-chairman)
- Vahid Ahmadi, Deputy Minister for Research & Technology
- Valeria Fascione, Regional Minister for Internationalization, Startup and Innovation, Campania Region
- Majid Ghassemi, CEO and Vice Chairman of Bank Pasargad
- Guido Fabiani, Regional Minister for Economic Department, Lazio Region
- Ali Vahdat , Managing Director of Electronic Industries Research and Development Support Fund
- Mariano Iadanza, Responsible of the Business Innovation Centre, Città della Scienza
- Ahmad Pourfallah, President of Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce
- Luigi Campitelli, Director of Internationalization, Networks & Research, Lazio Innova
Seminar1: Biosciences, Biotechnology and Healthcare Technologies
- Ali Masoudi-Nejad, Associate Professor of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
- Andrea Vacchi, Research Director – National Institute for Nuclear Physics -INFN, Trieste Branch (Italian co-chairman)
- Alireza Ghasempour , Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Dean of Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute, Shahid Behshti University
- Roberta Ramponi, Director, Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, National Research Council-CNR
- Massoud Houshmand , Faculty member of Medical Genetic department, National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
- Vittorio Calabrese, Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry , Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Department, University of Catania,
- Azita Parvaneh Tafreshi, Associate Professor, Group Leader of Molecular medicine, National Research Institute Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology
- Antonello Cutolo, Professor, University of Sannio and President, Consortium TOP-IN SCARL
- Albert Lazar, Head of Laser Avaran Zist Armaghan
- Francesco Amenta, Dean of School of Pharmacy , University of Camerino
- Franco Naccarella, President, Quale Medicina 2000
Seminar 2: Agrifood
- Amir Mousavi, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Molecular Biotechnology National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Chairman)
- Tullia Gallina Toschi, Full Professor – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences (Italian co-chairman)
- Hamid Balali, Associate Professor, Bu-Ali Sina University
- Stefano Pignatti, Researcher, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National Research Council-CNR
- Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Associate Professor, Director of the Olive Research Group, National Institute of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology-NIGEB
- Soraya Mousavi, Post Doc, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, National Research Council-CNR,
- Mansour Gholami, Full Professor, President of Bu-Ali Sina University
- Roberto Mariotti, Researcher, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council-CNR
Seminar 3: Smart Cities and Next Generation Technologies
- Ali Ahmadi, Head of IT, Research Center K.N.Toosi, University of Technology Tehran (Chairman)
- Giorgio Ventre, Director, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II (Italian co-chairman)
- Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Professor of Computer Engineering, Head of IPM School of Computer Science, Sharif University of Technology
- Giovanni Breglio, Professor, University of Naples Federico II, DIETI, Optosmart S.r.L
- Andrea Saracino, Researcher, Institute for informatics and telematics, National Research Council-CNR
- Luca Abatello, Managing Director, Tre Emme Engineering Srl
Seminar 4: Clean Tech and Environment
- Saeed Motesaddi Zarandi, Deputy Human Environment EPA (Chairman)
- Vincenzo Cuomo, Professor – National Research Council CNR), Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (Italian co-chairman)
- Hamid Reza Naseri, Faculty member of earth sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Professor in Hydrogeology
- Matteo Guccione, Coordinator of Green Infrastructure Group – Institute for Protection and Environmental Research (ISPRA)
- Seyyed Mehdi Borgheie, Professor at Sharif University of Technlogy
- Giovanni Laneve, Associate Professor – Sapienza University of Rome, School of Aerospace Engineering
- Firoozeh Arjmand PhD student – Sapienza University of Rome, Chemistry Department
Seminar 5: Sustainable Building and Risk Mitigation
- Seyed Mehdi Hosseinian, Vice President, Finance and Administration, Hamedan University of Technology (Chairman)
- Fabio Germagnoli, Executive Director, European Centre for Training and Research on Earthquake Engineering (Italian co-chairman)
- Nemat Hasani, Associate Professor, Dean of Civil, Water & Environmental Engeneering Department, Shahid Beheshti University
- Fatemeh Jalayer, Associate Professor, Department of Facilities Engineering and Architecture, University of Naples Federico II
- Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Professor, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Associate Member of the Academy of Science of Iran, President of the Iranian Earthquake Engineering Association (IEEA)
- Sahar Nazeri, PhD, Department of Physics “E. Pancini”, Seismological Laboratory, University of Naples Federico II
- Mohammad Tatar, Associate professor of Seismology, Vice president for Research and Higher Education
Seminar 6: Energy
- Shahab Ayatollahi, Professor, Director of Sharif Upstream Petroleum Research Institute, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology (Chairman)
- Domenico Villacci, President of ENSIEL – National Inter-University Consortium “Energy and Electrical Power Systems” (Italian co-chairman)
- Majid Zandi, Director of Renewable Energies Engineering Department, Shahid Beheshti University
- Giuseppe Gigli, Researcher, Nanotechnology Institute, National Research Council-CNR
- Hamid Aladpoosh, Director General of Policy for Basic Design & Engineering, Ministry of Petroleum
- Francesco Ballio, Delegate to the Rector for Iran, Polytechnic University of Milan
- Claudio Alimonti, CEO, 3FASE srl
- Luigi Di Vito, Business Development Manager, Centro Sviluppo Materiali
- Cesarino Somaini, Sales Manager, Baretti Mefe Srl
Seminar 7: Archaeology and Technologies for Cultural Heritage
- Ali Reza Asgari, President of the University of Shiraz Art (Chairman)
- Bruno Genito, Full professor, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies (Italian co-chairman)
- Akbar Haj Ebrahim Zargar, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Shahid Beheshti University
- Pietro Ragni, Researcher, Methodological Chemistry Institute, National Research Council-CNR
- Yaghoub Mohammadifar, Deputy Director of Development and Maintenance, Bu-Ali Sina University
- Silvana Di Paolo, Researcher, Institute for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean, National Research Council-CNR
- Mohammad Hasan Talebian, Head of the Research, Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism
- Graziella Roselli, Member, A.R.T.&Co spinoff, University of Camerino
14.30-18.00: one-TO-one meetings : separate meetings of max. 30 minutes
Roundtable : Education and academic exchanges
- Mohammad Kafi, Head of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Chairman)
- Vincenzo Mannino, Vice-Rector for the coordination of international relations, University of RomaTre (Italian co-chiarman)
- Hassan Sadoogh, President of the University of Shahid Beheshti
- Francesco Ballio, Delegate to the Rector for Iran, Polytechnic University of Milan
- Bagher Larijani, Deputy Director, Ministry of Health and Medical Education
- Ahmad Addous, Delegate for International Relations with Iran and Arab Countries, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
- Mojtaba Sadighi, President of Organization of Student Affairs
- Sergio Minucci, Delegate for internationalization, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”
- Mojtaba Shariati Niasar, Ministry of Culture and Higher Education
- Giorgio Ventre, Director, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Roberta Giunta, Full professor, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies
- Margherita Morpurgo, Rector Delegate for Technology Transfer in the Life Sciences, University of Padua
- Arnaldo Pierleoni, Professor, Niccolò Cusano University, Faculty of Engineering
All day
Texhibition: Technology exhibition where some Iranian organizations will present their S&T achievements
Fablab demonstrations about projects on Manufacturing 4.0, by the D.RE.A.M FabLab of Città della Scienza and the Iran FabLab
Social evening with live folkloristic music of the island of Qeshm (Persian Gulf)
Visit to S&T Parks, scientific labs and incubators and in Tehran
A list of visits is proposed by Iranian partners, participants should express their choice in advance, via email before the departure or on-site in Tehran.
- Tehran Urban Observatory e Mila Tower
The Urban Observatory is a space that includes the 3D map of Tehran, the Tehran Real Time Kinematic, the Tehran Municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library and the Tehran Social Media Network and the Tehran map system and its street view. In the Observatory area, the Milad Tower, part of a complex called International Trade and Convention Center of Tehran and a multi-purpose tower named in 2017 as the world’s sixth-tallest free-standing tower.
- Sharif University of Technology (SUT)
SUT is a public research university in Tehran known traditionally to be the first choice of top ranked Iranian high school and university students in engineering and physical sciences, classified in 2016 as the best university in the country and known as the Iranian MIT. SUT is located in Tehran and includes the Sharif Accelerator and the Technology Transfer Centre.
The two options of visits proposed for the Sharif University include the Institute of Nanotechnologies and the Department of Energy.
- FabLab Tehran
Also known as is an open access environment for anyone who desires to invent, design, and share knowledge across international borders. It has a DIY 120 square meter creative space that provides open and membership based access to digital fabrication tools, education workshops, making events and a vibrant community. The scope is to help individuals and universities learn about the application of digital technologies, rapid prototyping, 3D printing and design practices.
An experimental workshop will be held in collaboration with the D.RE.A.M. Fablab of Città della Scienza to develop new projects of cooperation for the future.
- Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute-Shahid Beheshti University
The Institute with four related departments including Phytochemistry, Biology, Agriculture and Chemical Engineering undertake research and development work including pilot plant studies relating to the industrial processing and quality control of plant materials used by various industries in the preparation of pharmaceuticals, foods, perfumes, cosmetics, dyes, etc. In addition, MPDRI has recently started training master students in Phytochemistry, which will be expanded to the other related disciplines in near future.
- Meeting for organizations in the Marine sector at the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology
The visit organized by the Council for Technological Development and Maritime Industry and the Center for Innovation and Technological Cooperation of the Vice Presidency of the Republic of Iran intends to illustrate the blue growth activities (sustainable use of energy resources, coastal conservation and marine tourism, maritime security, fisheries and the sustainable use of marine natural resources) of great importance for Iran due to its 5,000 km of coastline and a geographic location.
18.00 Side events at the Memaranmoaser Institute (Tehran, Shahrak Gharb(Ghods), Saanat Square)
Computational Design and Advanced Manufacturing: the places of the Digital Fabrication Revolution, Michela Musto, D.RE.A.M FabLab of Città della Scienza
Thematic seminars will be in English, one-TO-one meetings – where necessary – can have the support by Italian/Persian or English/Persian facilitators
Convention Centre
Venue: Shahid Beheshti University International Conferences Center