Giordano Bruno, cittadino del mondo – Napoli e Nola, 17 e 18 febbraio 2017


Giordano Bruno theory keeps having a  big success in several continents, with a network of experts created by the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, who are workingon the  translations of his works in China, Japan, Brazil, Russia , Germany, France, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria.

A 417 years from the stake in Campo de ‘Fiori, two days will be dedicated to some great themes of his philosophy: tolerance, the fight against religious fanaticism, the weaving between knowledge (from literature to cosmology, from science to epistemology)


Friday February 17th :

10 am  - Città della Scienza, Naples

Bruno against religiuos fanaticism
Dialogue Aldo Masullo and Nuccio Ordine. Edoardo Massimilla as moderator

11.30 am - Città della Scienza, Naples

Bruno cosmology and philosophy
Dialogue  Miguel Angel Granada and Massimo Capaccioli. Pietro Greco Coordinator

3 pm - Federico II, Naples

Bruno translations in Europe, Asia and  America
Opening Gaetano Manfredi.
Rounde table coordinated by Nuccio Ordine:
Pasquale Sabbatino e Tiziana Provvidera
Cina: Tian Shigang (Pechino)
Giappone: Morimichi Kato (Tokio)
Brasile: Luiz Carlos Bombassaro (Porto Alegre)
Russia: Andrei Rossius (Mosca)
Germania: Thomas Leinkauf (Munster)
Spagna: Miguel Angel Granada (Barcellona)
Francia: Yves Hersant (Parigi)
Romania: Smaranda Bratu Elian

Saturday February 18th 

9 am  - Nola
Bruno meeting territory

SS.Apostoli Church: Nola students

3 pm  - Castelcicala, Cimitile
Visiting Bruno’s places