A delegation of Città della Scienza takes part at the March for Science, april 22 in Rome


In January last year, a group of US researchers promoted a March for Science event to be held on Earth Day to support scientific research and turn the attention on the pressures that threaten it. The aim is to give a strong public signal in favor of research and policies based on scientific bases. The initiative, from Washington, DC, has rapidly expanded all over the world. Also in Italy will be a march to which will be a delegation of Città della Scienza. The event is open to all citizenship and is promoted by organizations that consider the role of scientific and cultural progress for society as crucial. The March will be held in Rome on April 22, 2017 at 4 pm, leaving Piazza della Rotonda (Pantheon) and arriving at Campo dei Fiori. On the same day, the Earth Day Committee will devote two hours to scientists, researchers and artists working with links to other International Science Marches in the world at the Pincio Terrace of the Earth Village.

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