A tool for supporting innovation in the the public-private health sector. This is the objective of eHealthNet, laboratory founded in 2012, within the National Research Council, and that it is configured as a center of innovation, able to aggregate research institutes, universities, SMEs, and larger-sized businesses for the implementation of the industrial project “eHealthNet: software ecosystem for e-health”. The project – the conclusion of which was discussed today during the conference entitled “Digital Innovation for Healthcare in Campania: opportunities and challenges” held at the National Research Council – is funded with the Pon funds 2007-2013. Investments totalled EUR 17.5 millions, over 200 people including technicians and researchers attended at the project. The project aims to be a reference for contributing to national and international standardization processes in health sector, constitute a permanent training center for ICT technologies used in healthcare as well as to enable all those involved in the health system to benefit from the potential of new technologies. EHealthNet is a public-private aggregate pointing to research but also to training for young people: in collaboration with the University of Naples “Federico II”, in fact, was activated in Città della Scienza “Napoli Living Lab”, formed by six groups of students. Three of them created startups in this field.
Health and Innovation, closing of the eHealthNet project
30 marzo 2017, 16:21