Nomad working is the new free service offered by the Incubator of Città della Scienza, in Coroglio Street 57, Naples addressed to young people (18-35 years), whose aim is to offer the opportunity to have a dynamic and well equipped place to study or work in order to produce more ideas and sharing knowledge in the innovative complex system of Città della Scienza.
Nomad Working provides:
• the use of a nomad free workplace (desk and chair assigned every time according to availability) in an open space in the Incubator, by booking;
• free use, by booking, of two meeting rooms of the incubator, and the common areas of Città della Scienza (gallery, garden, etc.);
• free wi-fi.
Priority is given to:
- New requests;
- Young people who want to use Nomad Coworking spaces for developing activities of study or work in the following fields:
- Bio Economy (Medical technology, biotechnology, health, life sciences, agri-food, sea economy);
- Creative Industries (Advanced design, digital fabrication, new media, digital applications, smart education, culture, leisure);
- New Frontiers of Information and Communication Technologies (Internet of things, user interfaces, wearable devices, cloudcomputing, big data, security, virtual reality, new applications and solutions for the web);
- Manufacturing 2.0 (Robotics, mechatronics, nanotechnology, new materials, industrial processes).
- Smart Cities and Green Economy (Environment, energy, cleantech, green mobility);
The service is on (experimental basis ) until December 31th, 2015.

Privacy and personal data.
Using Nomad Working includes acceptance of all the rules provided for. Under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (Code concerning the protection of personal data), the personal information provided in the project proposals will be collected and used by Fondazione IDIS Città della Scienza exclusively for the purposes of this notice. The material will not be returned.
Ph: 0817352402/455/494 (Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 2.30 to 5 pm)
Facebook page: Business Innovation Centre – Città della Scienza