Today the new classroom of Città della Scienza, “Aula R-Store 4.0″ has been inaugurated, a project born from the partnership with R-Store, the result of a common passion in transforming and improving teaching in schools. The event was attended by Chief Executive Officer Giancarlo Fimiani, Education Manager Alessandro Zattoni and Alessia Esposito, B2B – Educational Account Manager and the General Secretary of Città della Scienza Giuseppe Russo.
R-Store promotes the conscious use of technologies as a teaching tool, developing new solutions designed to digitize lessons by offering greater interactivity to teaching and learning!
In the R-Store 4.0 classroom there will be several thematic workshops aimed at school managers, teachers and technicians presented by expert educators and specialists aimed at learning the perfect Apple software for the growing digital classes.
The collaboration with R-Store will continue during the Three Days for the School the most important national convention on the world of school to be held in the spaces of Città della Scienza from 29 to 31 October and we hope it will continue for the next few years.