Have you already visited the museum of the human body Corporea? And the science laboratories where we make science event, look for the meaning and build models? Have your students already watched the Planetarium show? And do you already know how to organize the visit with your class?
If you are interested in learning about the activities that Città della Scienza offers to the world of the school, on the second Tuesday of each month we will be waiting for you. We are expecting teachers of all levels to make the Museum and its activities known as educational resources for the school. The aim is to build bridges between school and museum, between formal and non-formal learning, to promote skills and careers in STEAM (Science, Techonology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and to help train citizens who will play a role active in increasingly technological and democratic societies.
The appointment is every second Tuesday of the month at 3 pm and to participate you can book by calling or writing to the Contact Center of Città della Scienza.
Fondazione Idis- Città della Scienza is an institution recognized by MIUR as “subject providing training for school staff” with ministerial decree n ° 177/2000.
Teachers of every order and level
The second Tuesday of each month from 15 to 5 pm
11 December 2018 and 8 January, 12 February, 12 March, 9 April, 14 May 2019.
Città della Scienza
contact@cittadellascienza.it | 081 7352.220-222
All the teachers will receive a certificate of participation.
Free admission is reserved for teachers of all levels.