Città della Scienza participates in the Forum organized by the daily newspaper Il Mattino on “The role of startups for the development of the South Italy“. The event, to be held on Monday, May 4th, 2015, at 11:30 am, at the headquarters of “Il Mattino” in via Chiatamone 65 in Naples, with the participation of the government, enterprises, Universities and Institutions. The goal is to focus on positive and negative issues related to the development of young companies with high technological and innovative content, able to significantly act on the future of the South.
Here is the program of the Forum streamed live on Mattino website.
Grreting and coordination
Alessandro Barbano, Il Mattino Director
Graziano Delrio, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Domenico Arcuri, Chief Invitalia
Bruno Bossina, General Manager of the Bank of Naples
Felice delle Femine, Area Manager South Unicredit
Vincenzo Lipardi, Città della Scienza CEO
Roberto Vona, Professor of Economics and Management of Companies – Federico II
Gennaro Tesone, Venture Partner Digital Magics.