Essere 4.0 Expo, the new exhibition about industry 4.0 open until January 12th #FRExtra

A walk in the woods to jump in the world of industry 4.0, where the production of the future becomes reality. It is not a contradiction in terms, but the spirit of Essere 4.0 Expo, the collective exhibition, part of the Futuro Remoto Extra program, open until January 12th. The result of a participatory planning process that involved, in 6 months of work, over 15 research institutes and 80 researchers and researchers, the installation aims to investigate how industry 4.0 can be made of technologies “around” human beings , and not replacing them. Starting from the definition launched in Germany in the early 2000s, which foreshadowed a new way of producing based on the integration of traditional and digital technologies, use of the Internet, robotics and artificial intelligence, Being 4.0 Expo is an interactive walk among the most recent applications of the Industry 4.0 where it is possible to approach the key concepts of the fourth industrial revolution, to see closely how we will work and produce, side by side with the robots, in the not too distant future. A suggestive narrative that is divided into five grades: Collaboration, Integration, Efficiency, Body and Memory. An unmissable path to understand more about the present and take a peek into the future!

Modalità di fruizione
SCUOLE: il modulo di visita di Essere 4.0 è prenotabile fino al 12 gennaio e ha una durata di 75 minuti. Per informazioni e prenotazioni rivolgersi al Contact Center di Città della Scienza.

VISITATORI PRIVATI: l’accesso alla mostra è gratuito ma solo su visita guidata (anch’essa gratuita). Le visite guidate (meeting points) hanno la durata di 45 minuti. Gli orari dei meeting points sono comunicati nei programmi giornalieri, affissi sulle paline informative e pubblicati sul web.

Per qualsiasi richiesta specifica rivolgersi alla biglietteria o al personale di sala identificabile dalla divisa rossa.

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