International campaign

On Monday 4th March 2013, criminals set on fire and destroyed a large part of the Science Centre of Città della Scienza in Naples. The fire destroyed 8.000 sq.m of exhibitions and facilities while the other buildings and functions are safe.
Messages of solidarity immediately came from the Vice-President Mr Tajani, the Commissioner for Research Mrs Geoghegan-Quinn and the Commissioner for Regional Policies Mr Hahn, as well as from many European parliamentarians, eminent scientists, science communicators and colleagues.
This solidarity, this affection, this support are today, for us, a wealth of extraordinary importance. They will help us to restart the reconstruction of the Science Centre, which is now our more important and immediate goal.
ECSITE, the European network of Science centres and science museums, is helping Città della Scienza by coordinating the donations of exhibits and programs. You can lend an exhibit using the “Extra” traveling exhibitions database for Europe, www.extrascience.eu
ASTC, the Association of Science and technology centers based inNorth America, has established a new initiative, the Science Museum Crisis Relief Program, to seek contributions throughout North America for the restoration of Città della Scienza, also in partnership with the Italian Embassy to engage Italian friendships and business organizations.
You can help us with donations of:

Traditional hands-on exhibits
Outdoor exhibits
Small exhibits and equipment for school labs, shows and programs;
Science shows to be scheduled during specific programs and events such as summer camps (mid-June to mid-July 2013), Futuro Remoto (November 2013)

You can also support us by providing expertise in museum planning and development.

Anne-Marie Bruyas, International Relations · bruyas@cittadellascienza.it · tel. +39.081.7352438 · mob. +39.3356759965

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