Friday, June 14th, 2019 – 6.00 pm a special conference will be held in Città della Scienza – organized in collaboration with the Literary Village Association – which has as its object the Archaeoastronomy: the young science that has chosen to place the stars and stones at center of one’s attention; in reality the union between astronomy and architecture has characterized the whole history of humanity and many of the great works that man has been able to achieve, from Stonehenge to the Pyramids, from the Mayan temples to the Pantheon. The Archaeoastronomy represents a combination of astronomical and archaeological studies on the knowledge and understanding that the ancient inhabitants of the earth had of the celestial phenomena of how they used and interpreted them and what role the “reality” of the movements of the sky system played within the their cultures.
During the conference, held by professor Giulio Magli, we will focus on a special place: Giza area , in Egypt.
Giulio Magli is Professor and Director of the Department of Mathematics at the Polytechnic of Milan, where he teaches the only course of Archaeoastronomy ever established in an Italian university. It carries out an extensive dissemination activity through books and also in newspapers and on national and international television channels. CNN has dedicated two documentaries to his research on the Pantheon and Giza respectively; his research activity is aimed in particular at the relationship between architecture, landscape and astronomy; after many years of research in Egypt and the Bronze Age Mediterranean, he is currently engaged in research on China.
The event is free.