International Science Center and Science Museum Day
World Science Day for Peace & Development
November 10th
Città della Scienza, Teatro Galilei, Via Coroglio 104
from 10 am
Vittorio Silvestrini
Città della Scienza President
Vincenzo Lipardi
Città della Scienza CEO
Serena Angioli
European Funds and Youth Policies of Campania Region Assessor
Luigi de Magistris
Mayor of Naples
Alex Zanotelli*
Comboni Missionary Community
* to be confirmed
Next November 10th Città della Scienza will celebrate the International Science Center and Science Museum Day – World Science Day for Peace & Development by organizing a wide program of activities that support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) declared by the United Nations. These goals, to be reached by 2030 for improving the future of international development, will be explored in our Science Centre through several work stations or guided tours focused on specific issues led by experts will talk about and show how research is working on it. Often experts will be accompanied by students of Labriola Lyceum of Naples who will have science shows and insights on current topics:
1) Fighting poverty… Defeat any kind of poverty, everywhere.
A Less Impresa Sociale Onlus operator will illustrate the difficulties and the problems that push migrants to leave their country of origin and propsettive of economic and social inclusion on the host territory. From 11 am to 3 pm.
2) Fighting hunger… Defeat hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
An expert explains how research is tackling the problem of food shortages and malnutrition in developing countries as well as a short focus on novel foods and the foods of the future. From 11 am to 5 pm.
3) Wellness and health… Promote healthy life and wellness for everybody.
An expert explains how research is struggling to eliminate diseases that threaten humanity, stressing the importance of vaccines and hygiene standards. From 11 am to 3 pm.
4) Good Education … Ensure an inclusive education and quality promoting lifelong learning opportunities for everybody.
An expert explains how new technologies make it possible to obtain equal learning opportunities for everybody from 11am to 5 pm.
5) Gender equality … Achieving gender equality by empowering women and girls.
The genders days, held in Città della Scienza over the last 3 years, will be illustrated, with a speed date, by Prof. Daniela Montesarchio Napoletano Coordination of Women in Science and professor of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Federico II, to talk about how promoting scientific careers for girls. From 11 am to 3 pm.
6) Clean water and sanitation… Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for everybody.
An expert talks about the problems connected with polluted water consumption and how research is studying devices and systems for having clean water for all. From 11 am to 3 pm.
7) Renewable Energy and its availability… Ensure the availability of reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for everybody.
An expert tells us about the problems related to the production of renewable energy from the sea, from 11 am to 5 pm.
8) Placement and economic growth … Promote an inclusive economic growth, sustained and sustainable, full and productive employment and work for everybody.
Deepening on inclusive economic growth with an expert, from 11 am to 3 pm.
9) Innovation and infrastructure … Build strong infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Guided tours in the FabLab of Città della Scienza, from 11 am to 3 pm.
10) Reducing inequalities … Reducing inequalities inside and between countries.
Deepening with the LESS expert, from 11 am to 3 pm.
11) Sustainable cities and communities … Create sustainable human settlements and cities to be inclusive and safe.
A focus on the results of a European project (Voices) for the promotion of sustainable and inclusive cities. From 11 am to 5 pm.
12) Responsible use of resources … Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Meeting the Repair Café of Città della Scienza, focusing on sustainable use of resources. From 11 am to 3 pm.
13) Fighting against climate change … Urgent solutions to fight climate change and its consequences.
An expert talks about difficulties related to climate change and its consequences, using movies and digital animations, from 11 am to 5 pm.
14) Sustainable Use of the sea … Sustainable care and use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for a sustainable development.
A biologist tells us about the problems related to the excessive exploitation of marine resources and how to take care of our seas, from 11 am to 5 pm
15) Sustainable use of the Earth … Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of ecosystems, managing forests in a sustainable way, fighting desertification and halting and reversing land degradation and halting the loss of biodiversity.
An expert takes visitors on a journey to discover city biodiversity and the problems related to the loss of biodiversity on our planet, from 11 am to 5 pm.
16) Peace and justice … promote peaceful and inclusive societies for a sustainable development, guarantee justice for everybody and create able institutions, responsible and inclusive at all levels.
A better future for everyone is possible, but only in case of a drastic reduction in violence and mortality: a vision that now seems far away, but still feasible with the creation by 2030 of peaceful societies, access to justice for all and the existence of responsible institutions. CEICC DIRECT experts will show a video of the World Refugee Day and present the Citizenship table. From 11 am to 1 pm.
17) Partnership for Sustainable Development … Strengthen the implementation tools and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
We talk to an expert in the exhibition REWIND and in the opening conference.
More info:
International Science Center and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD):
Sustainable Development Goals:
Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet:
Between October 1 and October 22, NASA asked museums and science centers around the world to participate in a global experiment collecting observations of clouds while NASA satellites were overhead. As part of the part of International Science Center and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD), the experiment built upon UNESCO’s theme of “Science for Peace and Development.” The goal was to create new ways for museums and science centers worldwide to proactively address global sustainability while reaching increasingly diverse audiences. More than 900 cloud observations, including more than 5,500 photos, came in. The white dots on this map show each observation submitted through the app in that period. The red dots represent science centers participating in the global experiment. The observations are distributed internationally.
Several of the observations lined up with satellite overpasses, and this video shows three examples (from September 2016) from the early afternoon overpasses of Aqua, CALIPSO, and CloudSat, NASA satellites that fly together in formation as part of the A-train constellation of satellites. By taking ground-based cloud observations at the same time, citizen scientists are helping NASA scientists interpret the satellite data. Through the GLOBE Observer app, a person can report what kind of clouds are in the atmosphere, estimate how high the clouds are, and indicate how much of the sky is cloudy. Satellites can do some of the same things, but see clouds from above. By combining both citizen and satellite observations, scientists get a much more complete understanding of what is happening in the atmosphere. This will help address questions about changes in the water cycle and freshwater availability.