“TraMare | Design of changing devices for children” at the FabLab in Città della Scienza

Joints, frictions, textures and lots of imagination were the framework of “Tramare” the Workshop on the design of transformable furniture for children from the conception to the digital manufacturing, which was held yesterday October 15th 2019 at Città della Scienza Dream FabLab .
The workshop was attended by the design students of the University of Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli, with professor Carla Langella, the director of the Exhibition team of Città della Scienza Carla Giusti, prof Stefano Coverso of the University of Rome 3 and Fabio Borghese of Creactivitas.
The students divided into two groups worked on the design of a transformable and modular furnishing element through a bio-inspired approach developed on biological references.
The two groups, working respectively on joints and intersections on the one hand and through 3D printers on the other, have combined design and bioscience creating Open Source objects, transformable and usable in different ways.
The ancient looms, objects that can be explored and crossed, whose networks, viable ribbons, modular devices, transformable preforming “open” in continuous evolution have represented the source of inspiration for the laboratory from which the title “tramare” was born.
The result of the workshop will be exhibited at the Maker Faire Rome -The European Edition and Futuro Remoto 2019 | Being 4.0

“TraMare | Design di dispositivi mutevoli per bambini” al FabLab di Città della Scienza

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