
D.RE.A.M. covers an area of over 1000 sqm within Città della Scienza. It includes:
• A digital manufacture laboratory with cutting-edge tools and technologies;
• Wide spaces for training;
• inter-working areas;
• Sites for testing and manufacturing;
• Classrooms and Junior FabLab for schools;
• Incubation spaces for start-ups related to manufacturing 4.0.
D.RE.AM FabLab is located in the Marie Curie pavilion, that covers an area of over 500 sq mt. D.RE.A.M. FabLab spaces reflect the industrial past of the structure and highlight the new technological and productive vocation of the laboratory. The building has a great artistic value with Sol Lewitt’s painting in the design room and it’s recognized as an architectural work belonging to industrial archeology. Part of the D.RE.A.M. FabLab is the Junior FabLab, a space dedicated to families, schools and young makers, who can learn digital technologies, and participate to the laboratory activities imagined for them.

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Progetto “Città della Scienza 2.0: Nuovi prodotti e servizi dell’economia della conoscenza” finanziato dal MIUR a valere sulle risorse del FISR – Delibera CIPE 35/2014 – CUP: G64B140000100005.