Fondazione IDIS launches an international call for the selection of the Città della Scienza FabLab manager/coordinator.
The call is launched in the framework of a project, named “Città della Scienza 2.0 – New Products and Services for knowledge society”, funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research, in the context of the reconstruction process of the new science centre destroyed by the fire.
The aim of this project, that will last 2 years, is to create an official FabLab (i.e. complying with the rules of the Fab Charter): a permanent structure that would represent either a cutting edge centre of excellence in the international panorama and a tool of exchange and interaction with the local community.
CdS FabLab will be a new workshop / laboratory on advanced design and digital fabrication to realise R&D, prototyping, advanced training, education, business creation and innovation activities, based on “maker” technologies and methodologies: activities and experiences about the application of advanced design and manufacturing system both in the new CdS museums and in other external contexts, including industrial ones.
The Fab Lab Coordinator will be responsible for the overall operation of the CdS FabLab and the development of programs and services which meet the needs of the FabLab users.
In particular, he/she will be responsible for: managing the use of the space, the maintenance of the equipment; facilitating clients/users’ access to the FabLab services and equipment and supporting them in the realisation of their projects; collaborating in the design, prototyping, production and maintenance of hands on exhibits for CdS science centres and in the development of R&D, education and training programs; promoting partnerships with external organizations.
Next April10th, the Commission will start the evaluation process of applications received.
Every applications will recieve feedback.
The call will be open until the candidate answering the required proflile will be contractualised.
For questions and assistance, please send an email to